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- /*
- ** $VER: GMAutoWrite.thor 4.002 (23.10.99)
- ** © Gian Maria Calzolari <gcalzo@geocities.com>
- **
- ** Thanks to Neil Bothwick to let me use his AutoReply as a start base
- ** for the adaption of my script originally written for EMS (FidoNet
- ** mailer)
- **
- ** Automatically write a message at desired intervals, can be called
- ** anytime but's best to call it at Thor startup
- **
- ** $HISTORY:
- **
- ** 23 Oct 1999 : 004.002 : Added "First-Of-Month" support for Kimme Utsi and,
- ** since it was easy, also a "fixed-day-of-the-month" too! :-)
- ** 17 Oct 1999 : 004.001 : added options ExtPgm & ExtPgmType (Simone "Wiz" Tellini)
- ** 16 Oct 1999 : 004.000 : First public version!! :-)
- ** 15 Oct 1999 : 003.007 : First internal beta! OptionalTags are ignored... :-(
- ** 11 Oct 1999 : 003.006 : Started adaption to Thor
- **
- ** v3.0 11-10-93 Version for EMS 1.0
- ** v2.0 28-06-93 Version for GCC 4.0
- **
- */
- VerStr = subword(sourceline(2),3)
- ConfigFile = 'ENV:Thor/GMAutoWrite.cfg'
- true = 1
- false = 0
- /* This tags can be omitted, default will be "blank" */
- TagOptsBlk = "ToName Subject SigFile HdrFile FtrFile ExtPgm"
- /* This tags can be omitted, default will be "zero" */
- TagOptsZro = "ExtPgmType Prog_PVT Date_PVT"
- TagOptions = "System Conf Active Days BdyFile ToAddr" TagOptsBlk TagOptsZro
- NumOpts = words(TagOptions)
- /* Load bbsread.library if necessary */
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do
- address command
- 'run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead'
- 'WaitForPort BBSREAD'
- end
- call ReadConfig
- if Tags.0 > 0 then do
- progr = date('I')
- today = Dom()
- do i = 1 to Tags.0
- call Validate
- if (Tags.i.ACTIVE) then do
- OkToGo = false
- if Tags.i.DAYS < 0 then do
- if today = abs(Tags.i.DAYS) then
- OkToGo = true
- end
- else
- if progr - Tags.i.PROG_PVT >= Tags.i.DAYS then
- OkToGo = true
- if OkToGo then do
- if Tags.i.EXTPGM ~= '' then ExecutePgm(Tags.i.EXTPGM, Tags.i.EXTPGMTYPE, Tags.i.BDYFILE)
- call WriteMsg
- Tags.i.PROG_PVT = progr
- Tags.i.DATE_PVT = date('E')
- end
- end
- end
- call WriteConfig
- end
- exit
- /* ...game over... */
- Validate:
- do y = 1 to NumOpts
- Opt = upper(word(TagOptions, y))
- OptDef = symbol('Tags.i.Opt')
- Select
- When find(upper(TagOptsBlk),Opt) > 0 then
- if OptDef ~= 'VAR' then Tags.i.Opt = ''
- When find(upper(TagOptsZro),Opt) > 0 then
- if OptDef ~= 'VAR' then Tags.i.Opt = 0
- Otherwise
- if OptDef ~= 'VAR' then call ExitMsg("'" || Opt || "' not defined in tag '" || Tags.i || "'")
- end
- if Opt = 'EXTPGM' & Tags.i.Opt ~='' & pos('%F',upper(Tags.i.Opt)) = 0 then
- call ExitMsg("%F in '" || Opt || "' missing in tag '" || Tags.i || "'")
- end
- return
- ExecutePgm:
- /*
- ** This will process an external pgm or arexx script to create the
- ** message body
- */
- InsertPos = pos('%F',upper( arg(1) ))
- Pgm = left(arg(1),InsertPos-1) || arg(3) || substr(arg(1),InsertPos+2)
- if Arg(2) = 0 then /* Arexx */
- Pgm
- else /* dos */
- address command Pgm
- return RESULT
- WriteMsg:
- address BBSREAD
- drop MsgBody. MsgHead.
- /* Create message file */
- UNIQUEMSGFILE bbsname '"'Tags.i.System'"' stem MsgFile
- if ~open(out,MsgFile.NAME,'w') then call ExitMsg('Unable to create message file')
- /* Write headers */
- headline = 'X-Generator:' VerStr
- call writeln(out,headline)
- if Tags.i.HDRFILE ~= '' then do
- if ~open(headers,Tags.i.HDRFILE,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open header file' Tags.i.HDRFILE)
- do until eof(headers)
- call writeln(out,readln(headers))
- end
- call close(headers)
- end
- call writeln(out,'')
- /* Write message body */
- if ~open(body,Tags.i.BDYFILE,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open body file' Tags.i.BDYFILE)
- do until eof(body)
- call writeln(out,readln(body))
- end
- call close(body)
- /* Add signature */
- if Tags.i.SIGFILE ~= '' then do
- if ~open(sig,Tags.i.SIGFILE,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open signature file' Tags.i.SIGFILE)
- do until eof(sig)
- call writeln(out,readln(sig))
- end
- call close(sig)
- end
- /* Add footer file */
- if Tags.i.FTRFILE ~= '' then do
- if ~open(foot,Tags.i.FTRFILE,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open footer file' Tags.i.FTRFILE)
- do until eof(foot)
- call writeln(out,readln(foot))
- end
- call close(foot)
- end
- call close(out)
- /* Create EMail event */
- drop EventData.
- EventData.TONAME = Tags.i.TONAME
- EventData.TOADDR = Tags.i.TOADDR
- EventData.SUBJECT = Tags.i.SUBJECT
- EventData.CONFERENCE = Tags.i.CONF
- EventData.MSGFILE = MsgFile.FILEPART
- WRITEBREVENT bbsname '"'Tags.i.SYSTEM'"' event 0 stem EventData
- if RC > 0 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- return
- ReadConfig:
- /* Tags.0 will contains the tag numbers, Tags.X will contains the tag name
- ** Tags.X.y will be defined as follow:
- ** Tags.X.System System name
- ** Tags.X.Conf Conference name
- ** Tags.X.ToName To user name
- ** Tags.X.ToAddr To user address
- ** Tags.X.Subject Message subject
- ** Tags.X.BdyFile File to be used as message body
- ** Tags.X.SigFile File to be used as message sign
- ** Tags.X.HdrFile File to be used as message header
- ** Tags.X.FtrFile File to be used as message footer
- ** Tags.X.ExtPgm External pgm that will create the BdyFile
- ** Tags.X.ExtPgmType External pgm type (0 = ARexx / 1 = dos)
- ** Tags.X.Days Post message every Y days
- ** Tags.X.Active Tags.X active or not? (1 = True / 0 = False)
- ** Tags.X.Prog_PVT Progressive number, private field updated by the pgm!
- ** Tags.X.Date_PVT Last posted date, private field updated by the pgm!
- */
- drop Tags.
- Tags.0 = 0
- TagsNum = 0
- CfgOpen = open(cfgfile,ConfigFile,'r')
- if ~(CfgOpen) then call ExitMsg('Reading: failed to open' ConfigFile)
- do until eof(cfgfile)
- nextline = readln(cfgfile)
- if compress(nextline) = "" then iterate
- parse var nextline CfgName CfgVal
- CfgName = upper(CfgName)
- CfgVal = strip(compress(CfgVal,'"'))
- if CfgName = 'TAG' then do
- TagsNum = TagsNum + 1
- Tags.TagsNum = CfgVal
- end
- else do
- if TagsNum = 0 then call ExitMsg('No Tag names found!')
- if find(upper(TagOptions), CfgName) > 0 then
- Tags.TagsNum.CfgName = CfgVal
- else
- call ExitMsg("Option '" || CfgName || "' (with value '" || CfgVal || "') in tag '" || Tags.TagsNum || "' not allowed!")
- end
- end
- if TagsNum = 0 then call ExitMsg('No Tag names found!')
- Tags.0 = TagsNum
- if (CfgOpen) then dummy = close(cfgfile)
- return
- WriteConfig:
- CfgOpen = open(cfgfile,ConfigFile,'W')
- if ~(CfgOpen) then call ExitMsg('Saving: failed to open' ConfigFile)
- NL = trunc( length(TagOptions) / NumOpts)
- NL = NL + trunc( (length(TagOptions) - NL) / NumOpts)
- do x = 1 to Tags.0
- call writeln(cfgfile,'TAG ' Tags.x)
- do y = 1 to NumOpts
- OptL = word(TagOptions, y)
- Opt = upper(OptL)
- if Tags.x.Opt ~= "" & Tags.x.Opt ~= 0 | Opt = 'ACTIVE' then do
- if pos(" ",Tags.x.Opt) > 0 then
- call writeln(cfgfile,' ' || pad(OptL,NL) || '"' || Tags.x.Opt || '"')
- else
- call writeln(cfgfile,' ' || pad(OptL,NL) || Tags.x.Opt)
- end
- end
- call writeln(cfgfile,'')
- end
- if (CfgOpen) then dummy = close(cfgfile)
- address command 'copy >NIL: clone' ConfigFile 'EnvArc:Thor'
- return
- /*
- ** Returns the current Day number
- */
- Dom:
- return Word( Date(N), 1)
- /* pad a string with blank to the left
- ** parm1 string to be padded with blank
- ** parm2 new lenght
- */
- Pad:
- return left( arg(1) || copies(' ', arg(2) ), arg(2) )
- /* Exit with a message */
- ExitMsg:
- parse arg msgstr
- address command
- if symbol('MsgFile.NAME') = 'VAR' then do
- call close(out)
- 'delete >NIL:' MsgFile.NAME
- end
- 'RequestChoice >NIL: "GMAutoWrite.thor" "'msgstr'" "OK :-("'
- exit